Trem, Tap, feelers, other crap

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Trem, Tap, feelers, other crap

Post by fldrvr »

  • Joyo Tremolo the yellow one with the dog, based on the Demeter Tremulator.
    Recycled Ragers Minut Mouse tap tempo pedal, homebrew, made from a computer mouse
  • Epiphone branded lightning bolt wraparound bridge, with posts, pulled from a 90's Epiphone SG, in a Wilkinson box. The posts are new (Wilkinson)
    1/2 size guitar neck. Imagine your low string starting on A rather than E. Taken from a Viper 1/2 guitar. Nut, No tuners.
    1/2 size guitar body. One single-coil pickup route. Single volume control (not routed for tone). no electronics, no bridge. Red.
  • Donner White Tape Stereo Dual "analog" delay
    Donner ABY pedal
    JRR Pedals Ram Triangle dual muff clone, triangle + ram's head. Either can be activated. If both, it goes tri->ram. (only letting go for Op-Amp or Tone Wicker muff)
    Musiclily Ultimate Drive OCD clone, like a Joyo Ultimate Drive but mini size
Danelectro Daddy-O TRADED

I've got some NES stuff, toys, other crap, just ask if that's your speed

offers, cheapie analog flanger (BF-2 or EHX style), mids-control muff, cheapie weird reverb, fun stuff
Good deals: Monkey Boy, julius_deane, oldangelmidnight, K2000 (x2), kbithecrowing, Casavettes, leaves turn, psychedelicrelic, nevada, alexsga, sa1126, Invisible Man, foot, solewheelin', hbombgraphics, bronzetalon, Aquietcabin1978, bass_econo, christafarai; (on TalkBass) jazzyitalian, MicG, bufert57, marineman227, karter2000; (on TGP) leray1, Electroman, bigEbeer; (on DIYstompboxes) LucifersTrip, lethargytartare; (on HC) StratsRule07, lfrz93, Firebrand, caeman, bluesthug
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