yes, the kinkilin it's a delay with modulation for the delay time and a noise knob (similar to the unfiltered artifacts/crushed of long delay times). The dry has a gain knob plus volume, since its running in parallel instead of the traditional mix knob, that way you can set the dry and have lofi repeats or set the dry as a overdrive/dist and have clean repeats. the giant knob is the modulation amount, and the lfo has rate and wave knobs. delay has time, feedback, noise amount, presence (sort of volume, but it wont go to 0, since this a delay pedal, if you dont want delay signal turn it off) knobs. it can get lots of sounds and a lot of wacky sounds (sorta remind me some of the timebender random modes), but also can get some nice sounds, but this is a delay for people that own at least 3 delays, and would like one to mangle, process, trip, dive in and out. but it can do in some sort of sense normal delay stuff. the repeats voicing is a bit spacey (kinda like tape delays on the timebender)
i only have mobile internet until next week. the price will be $195 + shipping, will ship on april, preorder will be $150 + shipping (if interested drop me an email adam *a-t* copilotfx (dot) com).
i also will be sending that one for the euro box that was delayed (with corrected taper potentiometer, and delay time knob was reversed in the prototype).
it wont have exp/cv inputs, but you can always ask.
so i guess thats it, any questions, comments, suggestions.
kinkilin is a rad little dude, i thought it was my neighbors daughter imaginary friend, but then i found out it was a rad little kid
i dont think you will change/stomp it, but if you have big feet or go hard when you stomp, the knob can be swapped for a smaller one. Or a bigger case also can be done.
the idea for the knob there it was the more practical, since its very interactive from full warbler, to nice modulation and with low delay times it can get some sweet filter resonance when backing down to almost 0
missed the artwork question. Artwork is done in my head, the final version will be done this week, once i met with my friend who helps me with the artwork layout, as soon as it is done, will upload