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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:09 pm
by lordgalvar
Wow, thanks for the shout out. Really going to pick up some more of your stuff. Love the caracol. Sign me up for one of those one off delays (if they are for sale).
Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:34 pm
by autopilot
i still dont have a strong idea of when, what features, and all the stuff, i got some ideas from your threads but dont have anything set, it is mostly perhaps 2-3 different designs built into some cases i've been wanting to recycle
Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:10 pm
by Dandolin
Well, you I'm down whenever you've got something together....

Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:13 pm
by Eivind August
autopilot wrote:Eivind: the range of the osc on the trek, it could go lower but needed more extra controls, but will have the consideration for the bigger version. You can get more interaction with the gate set lower, and can do some stuff using the exp jack, i get some interesting stuff running a lfo. I did this for seten, is just the oscillation no sound, with a broadcast controlling the exp (width)
I really do like ring mod, even if its bit unpractical wild stuff, i was taking a break from them and focus on other stuff, and then today one dude msg'd me telling me how much he loves ring mod, but that i need to take into multi waveform carrier ring mod and suddenly i was yeah i havent go into that route i cant quit ring mods now until i try that.
Awesome dude, will experiment more with it before I do a demo. Bigger version sounds promising. Power starve, arpeggiating oscillations, modulated oscillations, choice between momentary and always on oscillation? Teehee...

Wild stuff is not unpractical, dude. Moar ring mods! Still kinda regretting selling the big, crazy one you made for me, but if you make something even wilder, it might have been part of a bigger plan without my knowledge.

Oh, hey, I'm not in a position to buy any of these now, but I will handle shipping if any of them sell before I return them to you.
Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:21 pm
by Eivind August
Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:00 am
by autopilot