Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

weird fx from the Dominican Republic <>

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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by autopilot »

mantis, set all knobs to 0, except the vol and the gate, it should sound like a fuzz, otherwise check the cables and power (it needs at least 8.5v, otherwise it will misbehave)
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by UglyCasanova »

I had them daisy chained. My bad.
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by UglyCasanova »

goroth wrote:
Disarm D'arcy wrote:The most fun I had was with the Trek and Gyroscope, then the Caracol. The Terra and Mantis inspired me less :idk: Great fuzz pedals still. :thumb:

I dug the terra and the mantis the most haha!

I thought I wouldn't like the Terra, but it fucking rips.

Gyroscope is my favourite thus far. Running it into the Terra then into a delay is just too much fun. I'll try to demo these over the next week. Good times
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by Disarm D'arcy »

The Trek hubs, the Trek :drool:
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by UglyCasanova »

Trek - gyro - echo degrader - DBA verb - boner
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by Eivind August »

So, these finally ended up in my hands. Gotta say, the Caracol might be my favourite - blending my joystick controlled oscillator with my guitar creates some awesome, droney soundscapes. :!!!:

Trek is awesome as well, getting some cool textures. Wish the oscillation went lower, but still getting some great squeals out of her.

The Mantis sounds great, fat subs rule.

Gyroscope - not really my thing.

Haven't gotten around to the Terra yet.
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by Dandolin »

Caracol is so good--I'm rounding towards pulling a nextgen version into my fold. I love the Terra--I know it seems like the Plain Jane boring sister of the family, but imo it is a texture *machine.* Not the most full-on crazy-maker for sure, but so much personality for those times when you want some old-skool fuzz; and Adam's latest changes and ideas about further evolution of this circuit interest me greatly. :excellent:

I'll be very interested to hear what you think, Eivind, though I know it's not really in line with the vanguard adventurousness you usually display in your most excellent vidjas. Terra would sound great covering some fripperies or filling in those fuzz leads I've always wanted to layer all over my VDGG albums though.... :rock:
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by Eivind August »

I shall look into these Sir Frippian aural treats of which you speak, mr. Daldo. Your promises of prog excellence will not go unheeded. I am a proper gentleman and a man of my word, so fear not that these are mere pleasantries.
friendship wrote:You motherfuckers think I won't fuck up a couple octoroks and assemble the Triforce?
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by autopilot »

:omg: , i love them all :group: , but lately the terra is my :hug: , and the mantis into a modulated delay is the surprise seksssss
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by Dandolin »

Note to self: Mantis, modulated delay, quiet room. :joy:

You makin' a modulated delay, Adam? :poke: :lol: :hug:

Also Eivind--I'm slow on the uptake, but Happy Name Month!!! :!!!:
"In a moment of unparalleled genius, Noel Parachute headed off this potential disaster by unplugging the microphone."
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by Eivind August »

:lol: Thanks.

I don't have a modulated delay. Well, the repeats on the Echorec are slightly modulated. Will test it.

Oh, and I'll probably demo the Trek, with it being an oscillating fuzz and all. :joy: Will probably cook something up for the others as well.

Need to check out the Robotum soon as well. Adam, you're a champ for being one of the few guys out there still producing straight up ring mods. :hug:
friendship wrote:You motherfuckers think I won't fuck up a couple octoroks and assemble the Triforce?
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by Dandolin »

Eivind August wrote:I shall look into these Sir Frippian aural treats of which you speak, mr. Daldo. Your promises of prog excellence will not go unheeded. I am a proper gentleman and a man of my word, so fear not that these are mere pleasantries.

Oh, aye, there be no doubt of thine word nor reputation. Yet I would be at a loss not to encourage thee thusly: stint not on thy proggery good sirrah; the rewards of fuzzheaven shall be thine. :)*
"In a moment of unparalleled genius, Noel Parachute headed off this potential disaster by unplugging the microphone."
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by UnicornTrap »

I didn't get to make any demos with the trek or gyroscope, but I liked the gyroscope on my Moog sub 37 so much that I want/will have Adam build me a crazy gyro/dubscope monster with a trem chop. I'm looking forward to that when the stars align
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by autopilot »

Eivind: the range of the osc on the trek, it could go lower but needed more extra controls, but will have the consideration for the bigger version. You can get more interaction with the gate set lower, and can do some stuff using the exp jack, i get some interesting stuff running a lfo. I did this for seten, is just the oscillation no sound, with a broadcast controlling the exp (width)



I really do like ring mod, even if its bit unpractical wild stuff, i was taking a break from them and focus on other stuff, and then today one dude msg'd me telling me how much he loves ring mod, but that i need to take into multi waveform carrier ring mod and suddenly i was yeah i havent go into that route i cant quit ring mods now until i try that.

Dandolin: i got some pt2399 here that i will make some stuff one/offs soon, different takes on some wilderness, but those will be more random, one/off stuff, i've been collecting some info from some of your post and lordgalvar. Just need some time, to sit and gather my thoughts about it.

SPAM: since Eivind is the last spot, i'll be selling those, if someone wants the whole lot and happens to have $400 let me know, so i can fund the expanded versions.
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Re: Trek PWM fuzz Tourbox

Post by Dandolin »

autopilot wrote:Dandolin: i got some pt2399 here that i will make some stuff one/offs soon, different takes on some wilderness, but those will be more random, one/off stuff, i've been collecting some info from some of your post and lordgalvar. Just need some time, to sit and gather my thoughts about it.



"In a moment of unparalleled genius, Noel Parachute headed off this potential disaster by unplugging the microphone."
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