Timm Grimm wrote:Not a true demo, but here's the Bitquest on our new ep. It fades in and you can really start hearing around the 9:40 mark. That's my bass solo'd with the Darkglass VMT & Fuzzrocious Demon into the Bitquest reverb clean side set completely wet with a little modulation. Enjoy.
Thanks again Ryan. I love this thing.
Really sorry for my slow reply to this, Tim, but DAMN! That is awesome! The song and the sounds are totally awesome, I love it, and thank you very much for sharing this here. I'm stoked to be on the team in a small way!
echoraven wrote:new05002 wrote:Elements, comes in after the reversed clean part. Using a custom baritone V and a 200W tube amp
Holy flaming crap cakes!! Is that tone even legal? Does it have to be behind a curtain like those video stores of old with the adult movie section???
Haha no doubt! That tone actually wasn't legal and Nick is now serving 25 years on Rikers Island for it. It was his third tone strike, he's a habitual offender.